Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tempe Bacem Vegan Recipe 

The kinds of processed tempeh in Indonesia is very diverse. Ranging from tempe goreng (deep fried), tempe mendoan (thinly sliced tempeh, battered and deep fried quickly, resulting in limp texture), sambel goreng tempe (Spicy tempeh), tempe bacem (tempeh boiled with spices and palm sugar, and then fried for a few minutes to enhance the taste. The result is damp, spicy, sweet and dark-colored tempeh) and many more. and now I'm gonna share the recipe of tempeh bacem. check it out!

* a bar of fresh Tempeh (slice it up into pieces)
* 1/2 liter of coconut water (for a more tasty flavor) 
* 1 stalk lemongrass (bruised it)
* 1 vertebra galangal (bruised it)
* ½ tsp tamarind
* 2 bay leaves

* 3 tbs of palm sugar
* 3 cloves of garlic
* 4 onions
* 2 hazelnuts 
* 1 tsp coriander
* 1 tsp salt

1. Mix all seasonings into a food processor, blender or pestle and the blend it all together
2. Prepare a skillet or sauce pan then pour ½ liter of coconut water (cook over medium heat)
3. Add the blended spices such as lemongrass, galangal, tamarind, and bay leaves into coconut water. Stir the coconut water until all seasoning are combined
4. Put the tempeh slices and then boil until the coconut water shrinks and spices seep into the tempeh. do not forget to stir occasionally so that the spices to infuse into the tempeh evenly
5. when the the coconut water has seeped into tempeh that means your tempeh bacem is done
6. mostly Indonesian people fry the tempe bacem as last step. but you can serve the tempe bacem without having to fry it.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy!


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