Monday, November 24, 2014

Corn Fritters (Perkedel Jagung Manis) Vegan Recipe


* 2 cup Corn
* 5 tbs flour
* some celery (put as much as u want)
* a piece of leek (chop it out)

Mashed Seasoning:

* salt sufficiently
* 4 cloves of garlic
* 1 red onion
* 1 whole hazelnut
* 1/4 teaspoon coriander
* 3 fresh red chilies, mashed rough

1. blend 1 cup of corn and let the other one cup remains a grain of corn
2. blend seasonings
3. Mix the corn, seasonings, celery, leek, and flour together
4. Heat the cooking oil. then take 1 tablespoon of the corn dough and fry it until becomes golden yellow color
5. drain it and serve the fritters while it still warm.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

What is Vegan???

Hai guys what's up....

Saya seorang Mahasiswa jurusan Teknologi Pendidikan di salah satu Universitas di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia.
Sekarang semester akhir. Saya adalah seorang Vegan.

Sebelumnya saya sudah memposting beberapa resep masakan vegan, dan semuanya adalah makanan tradisional dari Indonesia (Negara Saya Tercinta). Tapi saya lupa belum kasih tau apa itu vegan. ehehe

Mungkin kalian sudah pernah tau atau familiar dengan kata-kata Vegan...
yup Vegan identik dengan kata Vegetarian. tapi Vegan berbeda ya dengan Vegetarian.

Jadi, apakah Vegan itu??? apa bedanya dengan Vegetarian???
Saya akan menjelaskan keduanya disini. Selamat membaca :)


Vegetarian adalah sebutan bagi orang yang hanya makan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan tidak mengonsumsi makanan yang berasal dari makhluk hidup seperti daging dan unggas, namun masih mungkin mengonsumsi makanan laut seperti ikan, atau produk olahan hewan seperti telur, keju, atau susu. Berikut jenis-jenis dari Vegetarian


Apa itu Vegan?
Kata Vegan (dibaca VEE-gun, Vigan). Kata vegan mengacu pada makanan atau bahan bebas dari produk hewani : daging, susu, telur, madu, wol, bulu angsa, atau kulit. Vegan juga menghindari kosmetik dan produk lainnya yang diuji pada hewan. Jadi Vegan hanya mengonsumsi makanan yang berasala dri produk nabati saja. Vegan merupakan sebutan bagi pengikut Veganism. Mayoritas dari mereka adalah orang-orang yang menolak kekerasan dan pembantaian pada hewan.

Sebuah gaya hidup vegan membawa setidaknya tiga manfaat: menghindari penganiayaan hewan dan pembantaian, mungkin menawarkan manfaat kesehatan tertentu, dan juga mungkin untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan yang tidak baik.

Kata Vegan diciptakan pada tahun 1944 di Inggris oleh Donald Watson. Berikut Watson dari tahun itu, dalam edisi pertama dari The Vegan News, mengusulkan bahwa pembacanya merangkul kata, atau datang dengan lebih baik, sebagai dasar untuk sebuah gerakan sosial baru.

Menjadi Vegan tidaklah sulit, yang sulit adalah membayangkan bahwa kita akan menjalani gaya hidup yang baru, memakan makanan baru dan penyesuaian-penyesuaian baru. Pada dasarnya saya adalah pencinta sayur-sayuran. dan saya menjadi Vegan karena saya juga adalah pencinta hewan. saya menolak segala tindak kekerasan dan pembantaian pada hewan. itu kenapa saya berhenti menggunakan produk-produk yang berasal dari hewan.

Beberapa keuntungan yang saya rasakan setelah saya menjadi vegan adalah tubuh saya menjadi lebih sehat dan bugar, ini karena saya terhindar dari lemak dan kolesterol yang berasal dari daging dan makanan hewani lainnya.

Saya merasa bahagia karena melindungi hak dan kehidupan hewan, dengan memakan KarbohidratSayur mayurBuah-buahan, Kacang dan bji-bijian,  dan Vitamin B12 saya mendapatkan seluruh sumber vitamin yang saya butuhkan tanpa harus merenggut kehidupan dari hewan. 

Selain itu kerampilan memasak saya jadi meningkat. karena saya harus memasak makanan saya sendiri untuk memastikan bahwa makanan yang saya makan bebas dari produk hewani. oleh karena itu saya terus menemukan variasi makanan-makanan baru yang sangat menyenangkan. Trust me Vegan Food are Yummi :D

Jadi itulah informasi tentang VEGAN yang dapat saya bagikan untuk pembaca. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Terimakasih sudah membaca! 

I'm Gia... and i'll keep posting anything about Vegan and health... Hope you guys keep connected with me... See you guys then.... bubye :) :)
For more info about Vegan you guys can follow me on Facebook and Twitter 
#Vegan #MercyForAnimals


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tempe Bacem Vegan Recipe 

The kinds of processed tempeh in Indonesia is very diverse. Ranging from tempe goreng (deep fried), tempe mendoan (thinly sliced tempeh, battered and deep fried quickly, resulting in limp texture), sambel goreng tempe (Spicy tempeh), tempe bacem (tempeh boiled with spices and palm sugar, and then fried for a few minutes to enhance the taste. The result is damp, spicy, sweet and dark-colored tempeh) and many more. and now I'm gonna share the recipe of tempeh bacem. check it out!

* a bar of fresh Tempeh (slice it up into pieces)
* 1/2 liter of coconut water (for a more tasty flavor) 
* 1 stalk lemongrass (bruised it)
* 1 vertebra galangal (bruised it)
* ½ tsp tamarind
* 2 bay leaves

* 3 tbs of palm sugar
* 3 cloves of garlic
* 4 onions
* 2 hazelnuts 
* 1 tsp coriander
* 1 tsp salt

1. Mix all seasonings into a food processor, blender or pestle and the blend it all together
2. Prepare a skillet or sauce pan then pour ½ liter of coconut water (cook over medium heat)
3. Add the blended spices such as lemongrass, galangal, tamarind, and bay leaves into coconut water. Stir the coconut water until all seasoning are combined
4. Put the tempeh slices and then boil until the coconut water shrinks and spices seep into the tempeh. do not forget to stir occasionally so that the spices to infuse into the tempeh evenly
5. when the the coconut water has seeped into tempeh that means your tempeh bacem is done
6. mostly Indonesian people fry the tempe bacem as last step. but you can serve the tempe bacem without having to fry it.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy!


TEMPEH (Tempe)

Tempeh (Tempe) is a traditional soy product originally from Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form, similar to a very firm vegetarianburger patty. Tempeh is unique among major traditional soy foods in that it is the only one that did not originate from the Sinosphere cuisine.
It originated in today's Indonesia, and is especially popular on the island of Java, where it is a staple source of protein. Liketofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of proteindietary fiber, and vitamins.  Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine, where it is used as a meat analogue.
The soy carbohydrates in tempeh become more digestible as a result of the fermentation process. In particular, the oligosaccharides associated with gas and indigestion are greatly reduced by the Rhizopus culture. In traditional tempeh-making shops, the starter culture often contains beneficial bacteria that produce vitamins such as B12 (though it is uncertain whether this B12 is always present and bioavailable)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

(Indonesia Vegetables Salad with Spice Coconut)

Urap-urap sayur is a traditional meal, that probably has it's origin somewhere in central Java. It contains different kinds of cooked vegetables, like bean sprouts, long bean, cabbage, cassava leaf, basil, etc. Before serving, the spiced grated coconut is added. 
So Vegans... In Indonesia, Urap-urap enjoyed with rice, basically rice serve as the main carbohydrate source in Indonesia. 
let's check the recipe of this tasty #veganfood.. its easy pizzy to do


  • 100 g of bean sprouts
  • 100 g of carrot, cut into matchstick size
  • 100 g of long bean, cut into 2 cm (1 inch) long parts
  • 100 g of spinach 
Spice Paste:

  • 200 g (7 oz) fresh/dry grated coconut
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 red chillies, seeded
  • 2 bird's eyes chillies
  • 2 cm (1 inch) kencur (Sand Ginger), peeled and sliced
  • 50 g (1.8 oz) palm sugar
  • 4 fresh kaffir lime leafs, very finely shredded
  • salt to taste

  1. Grind or blend all spice paste ingredients.
  2. Heat oil and sauté the spice paste until fragrant.
  3. Then add the grated coconut, mix it well for few minutes, then set aside.
  4. Cook all the vegetables, set aside and cool them off. 
  5. Serve: Combine the vegetables with the spiced grated coconut.
  6. Plating and Done!

Friday, October 31, 2014



Mostly Indonesian people are Muslim. So in the month of Ramadan everyone needs a kind of sweet foods to add energy after a day of fasting. So KOLAK is one of favorite food in Indonesia. For the main ingredient you can use banana, pumpkin, sweet potato, jackfruit, nuts or whatever you like. Sweet pumpkin and banana soup do not use animal products at all. so vegans can freely enjoy this sweet food. SO LET'S GET STARTED!

The materials you will need need for "Sweet Pumpkin an Banana Sauce" will be:
* 5 bananas
* 1/4 part of fresh pumpkin
* 100 ml of coconut milk
* 2 pieces of pandan leaves (or you can change with vanilla)
* 1/4 cup of palm sugar (you can add and subtract the sugar. Or if you dont
   like to use palm sugar. you just can add regular sugar as you want)
* a pinch of salt
* water as needed

The directions is:

1. Peel and cut bananas into pieces

2. Cut pumpkin into cubes

3. Chopping palm sugar becomes smoother so easily soluble

4. prepare 100 ml of coconut milk


5. Tie the pandan leaves so its not gonna complicate you while cooking your sweet pumpkin and banana soup

6. Put the cubed pumpkin into a large pot and add a punch of salt. Bring to a boil over high heat, boiled pumpkin about 10-15 minutes until the pumpkin is tender and starts to fall apart and then set aside

7. Add the coconut milk into another pot

8. Add the palm sugar

9. The last step is put all the ingredients (boiled pumpkin, bananas, pandan leaves) to the coconut milk and palm sugar sauce.
After ingredients are in the pot, cook for about 10 minutes until the coconut milk a boil and the bananas cooked. 

10. Remove your pot from the stove and move the sweet pumpkin and banana sauce to the bowl. your Sweet Pumpkin and Banana Sauce is ready to served.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


PECEL is one of my family’s favorite Indonesian-style salad.  As with other salad, it is literally soaked with peanut sauce. The peanut sauce is quite unique and have very distinctive smell from the use of lesser galangal, or kencur. Unfortunately, this rather strange looking root herbs is not substitutable. The intensity of the nutty taste of kencur is just so overwhelming. This salad dish is usually served as main course, with fried vermicelli as side dish (recipe here). The green vegetables prepared with the sauce is blanched. Some crackers, especially the red-and-white rice crackers is a must. This street food is found everywhere in the country and famously known as pecel. well vegans here you go the recipe
Spices for the sauce are red chilies, Thai bird’s eye chilies, shallots, garlic and kencur (lesser galangal). And some kaffir lime leaves, which seems to be missing from the plate.
Gula merah (gula melaka/ palm sugar) and tamarind pulp
Of course, some fresh peanuts. Roasted peanuts can also be used. These peanuts are to be deep-fried with skin intact.
The important colorful rice cracker in red and white. These transparent sheets are to be deep-fried with hot oil, they will fluff into beautiful and light crackers.
Some fresh tofu, to be deep-fried and cut into smaller cubes.
Spinach, to be blanched.
Beansprouts, to be blanched and cucumber to be cut and sliced into thin slices.
Long beans and cassava leaves, to be blanched.
Tempeh (soybean cake), cut into slices and then deep fried. The deep-fried slices are then sliced thinly into strips.
The deep-fried items on display. Does this make the healthy twin in you wanna click away? My evil twin always makes me stay.
Fry chilies, shallot and garlic in hot oil till wilted. Set aside.
We use this giant wooden mortar and pestle to grind the fried peanuts. The skin gives it texture. It is just not the same without the skin on.
At the end of thumping. I always love my paste with big chunks of peanuts, so I don’t overdo grinding them.
Remove the peanuts from the bowl. Throw in kencur (lesser galangal).
Grinding them till fine paste.
Combine the rest of the ingredients for sauce, chilies, shallots, garlic, kaffir lime leaves.
Work on them till resemble coarse paste. Add gula merah (gula melaka or palm sugar) and tamarind pulp.
Continue grinding until all mixed well and thick and gooey paste has formed.
Toss in ground peanuts and mix well. They are ready to be used. If you are not using the paste right away, it refrigerates quite well, although the peanuts might be slightly soggy if not used right away. I love it nonetheless.
When it is ready to be served, combine one cup of pecal sauce paste and add two cups of warm water in a bowl.
Dilute the paste.
It is ready to be used!
In a separate bowl, combine all the vegetables used, including tempeh and fried tofu and pour the sauce on top of everything.
Mix everything together and serve with steamed rice or fried vermicelli (recipe here)

vegetable salad with peanut sauce, pecel

Makes 6-8 servings


For Peanut Sauce
2 shallots
1 garlic
25 g red chilies
10 g Thai bird's eye chili
5 kaffir lime leaves
20 g kencur (or lesser galangal)
10 g tamarind pulp
1 g shrimp paste
120 g gula merah (palm sugar or gula melaka)
300 g peanuts, deep-fried
1 tsp salt
Oil for deep-frying
For Vegetable Salad
100 g red and white rice crackers, fried till fluffy
150 g tempeh, deep-fried and sliced thinly
150 g tofu, deep-fried and cut into cubes
150 g beansprouts, blanched
1 cucumber, quartered and sliced thinly
150 g long beans, cut into 3 cm length
150 g cassava leaves, boiled
Oil for deep-frying


Heat oil in a wok. Deep-fry peanuts till golden. Grind till coarse. Set aside.
Deep-fry chilies, shallots and garlic till wilted, about 2 min
Combine kaffir lime leaves, salt, kencur, chilies, shallots and garlic in a mortar and pestle. Grind to coarse paste.
Add tamarind pulp, palm sugar and shrimp paste in the mortar and pound till fine.
Add the peanuts. Mix well.
Remove the paste and keep in airtight container till serving.
To serve, add 1 cup of warm water to dilute 1 cup of peanut paste in a bowl. Pour on top of vegetables.